Marine Accreditation Success..


Cargo liners often transport flammable and toxic fluids and any leakage from underperforming or incorrectly specified flange seals can have serious economic and environmental consequences.

Operators seeking to install the highest quality fittings look to the major maritime service organisations and their certification standards in order to confidently specify the correct seals within their maintenance programmes.

Novus is proud to announce that a number of Novus Sealing products have now been assessed and approved by many of the major marine organisations, notably Germanischer Lloyd and ABS.

Customers can now be assured that these products are certified to and fully comply with the exacting International Standards set by the major marine organisations, manufactured to a high quality and consistency.

As can be expected of a company with the global presence and reputation of Novus Sealing, more products are in the process of accreditation, giving even greater confidence in a wider range of high quality sealing products.


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